A doctor says something interesting . . .

1. It was a beautiful day and all the speakers got to stand on the Ladder of Knowledge and have a go. (Though not all at the same time.) A few passers-by heckled well. It was a fun day for all.

2. A doctor told the crowd something surprising: a doctor doing surgery in a hospital will try harder if he/she is being paid with private health insurance, than if they’re being paid with public health care rates. Get that? Same doctor: different work ethic, depending on the money earned.
The naive Mr B couldn’t believe that, but young Benjamin pointed out that if he were to paid to mow a lawn, he would do a better job if he were paid more.

3. The discussion prompted this scribe to include the following poignant postcard from the PostSecret website, posted in the U.S.A.:

wealthy parents


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